Brahmrishi Bawra Shanti Vidya Peeth Philosophy...
It is painful to see our younger generation being alienated from our culture & social life in the process of being educated. Acquiring education has become a very costly venture and a gradual process of being denationalized. It breeds in the young, raw minds a false sense of superiority and a hatred for the poor, illiterate mass of our countrymen. They don’t have any sympathy or concern for their brethren who are not as privileged as they are. A sense of alienation which takes root in them during the process of education festers into a malignant growth which disintegrates our national life. BRAHMRISHI BAWRA SHANTI VIDYA PEETH aims at facing this challenge. Man is neither soul nor body. He is born out of the union of matter and soul. Matter is the medium through which the soul manifests itself along with its many other qualities, good as well as bad. The purpose of education is to explore all what is good in human personality and annihilate all that is bad. In human life there are five centres of human energy which are called body, senses, mind, intellect and soul. The task of education is to purify all these centres of energy and develop the inherent potentialities. A sound and healthy system of education aims at the all-round development of personality BRAHMRISHI BAWRA SHANTI VIDYA PEETH seeks to achieve this ideal of education in establishing day schools. BRAHMRISHI BAWRA SHANTI VIDYA PEETH offers such pattern of education which includes Indian cultural heritage and modern scientific achievement to make the personality of a child in a healthy & sound way. The school stands for imparting high quality education where wide emphasis is laid on the national and moral aspect which is lacking in our present educational set up. So, in all humility, I appeal to my countrymen and the people of all countries to contribute whichever way they can, to bring these institutes into existence to save our culture and moral values of life.